This post was originally up at Foster Ramblings and I thought with the 8th season of Project Run & Play starting a week from today, it was the perfect time to bring the post home. You can click on the pictures to go to the original posts.
Project Run & Play is one of my favorite blogs, so I was more than ready to oblige Maegen’s request for a look back at some of my favorite sew-along outfits. I’ve been sewing along since the beginning of season three in January of 2012. My daughter was born in May 2011 so it’s a fun look back at some of the many things I’ve made for her.
I have to include my first sew-along outfit which was a remix of Craftiness Is Not Optional‘s June Bug dress tutorial (which is a full blown pattern now!). I called it the Jan Bug Jumper and I like the fun buttons which are attached with a ribbon (note to self: I need to use buttons like those again soon).
This Chevron Fleecie was a great project too. It was my first real outerwear item I drafted for Bean and it came out just as I pictured. This was also back from Season three so it was before chevron had really inundated the market, but I liked the subtle front and back chevron color blocking. Bean was able to wear it all last winter too since I purposely made it a size too big in 2012.
My Summer Shromper was made in 2012 during Season four for the Remix of Dana’s Circle Skirt tutorial. I love a good romper and who knew the summer of 2013 would be the summer of rompers? This was the same color scheme as the Jan Bug Jumper which I adore. I need to get my hands on more of that jean/linen fabric, hehe.
Peggy’s Purple Dress was made during Season five for the Fashion Icon theme. I chose Peggy from Madmen which was a little odd, but I am (still) obsessed with the change in the character’s fashion choices as she progresses through the show. Bean wore this and a pink version of the dress I drafted consistently last year. Oh, and the black turtle neck I made as a first muslin. She wore them enough that I’m considering grading the bodice/sleeves to make one that fits this winter.
Since this is turning into sort of a season-by-season favorite list, I have to include my Elephant Party Dress which was the Cottage Home’s Party Dress remix in Season 6. The color combination is fun and I love the wide band around the front. It as also the start of my interest in knit top/woven skirt combos so once again Project Run & Play served to inspire.
And finally my favorite overall and it just happens to be a part of the All-Star Season. The theme was Inspired By Art so I used Emily Carr as a muse for this Emily Carr Sunshine Dress. I really love the shape of this dress and Bean was also able to wear it this summer as a tunic with leggings.

Project Run & Play has been the number one source of inspiration to me for making clothes for my girl. There are other sew-alongs and series that I’ve grown to love, but Project Run & Play will always be special to me. Outside of just inspiration it really introduced me to the sewing blog community which has been so supportive and without which I wouldn’t be here guest posting at Foster Ramblings. Thank you Maegen for a fun trip down memory lane.
Since this post went up before Season 7, I thought I’d update with my favorite item that was made for that season. A remix theme is always a favorite of mine and in Season 7, the Oliver & S Popover Sundress was a fun choice. I have to say this Popover Rugby Shirt gets worn all the time. It looks so comfortable on Bean and since I made it a little big it is fitting so well still. Drafting the sleeves to fit a bias tape arm hole wasn’t easy, but it was so worth it for such a great fit.
For those of you who follow along with Project Run & Play, what are some of your favorite themes? I can’t wait to see what everyone is making this season.
Love the rugby shirt! and that Shromper is really adorable too. I'm planning on doing some sewing along this time!
Pr&p was the first online sewing competition/sew along I ever heard of or participated in. Now I rarely sew along unless what I'm working on corresponds with the theme! I have gotten lazy:) glad to see tiny Bean clothes. Keeping a blog is like keeping a journal…
The popover rugby shirt is my favorite from this list. It fits her so well.