If you’re looking for the giveaway and link-up parties for our Sew-a-bration of Womanhood you can find them here.
It’s day 6 of the Shaffer Sisters and my Sew-a-bration of Womanhood series. Up today I have April from Modern Handmade. We gave all of the contributors a general questionnaire and here are a few of April’s responses:
Age: 36
Body Type: I’m rocking the pear shape!
What was the biggest challenge with this project: Getting the fit (almost) perfect. I used a pattern from the 1970’s and it only came in one size. And it was around two sizes too big. I needed to adjust the bust darts and the width and still try to keep it true to the style. I made three muslins to get the fit just right. There was a lot of trial and error and I finally decided that it looked good, started cutting into the good fabric and I’m so happy with how it turned out!
Post Preview pic:
April this is an amazing preview pic! Click over to Modern Handmade to see the full post.
Don’t forget to see who’s up on the Shaffer Sisters‘ site today. If you’re curious to see who else will be contributing this month, here is the full lineup:
I Married Superman | A Jennuine Life | If Only They Would Nap | Once Upon a Sewing Machine
Naptime Creations | Pattern Revolution | Two Many | Rebel & Malice | Simple Simon and Company
SewingSober | Handmade Dress Haven | Daisy Chain Creations | Swoodson Says | I’m Feelin’ Crafty
So Cal Sewing Mom | Keep Calm and Carrion | DandelionDrift | The Crazy Tailor | Max California
Falafel and the Bee | Lexi Made | Winter Wonderings | Kid Approved | Scientific Seamstress
Becca DuVal | Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop | The Berry Bunch | Little Kids Grow | leighlee
Feathers Flights | That’s-Sew-Kari
Thanks so much! I'm excited to be sewing alongside so many amazing women!