Are you ready for the cutest and easiest romper hack ever? Today I’m over on the Project Run & Play blog to show you how to take two of the patterns in their shop (including my Ultramarine Cover-Up pattern) and mash them together to make a fun and breezy summer romper.

This is just a teaser, but look at that face haha! This romper is such an easy hack and a cozy wear. I’m considering a jumpsuit length for when the weather turns a little cooler (will that EVER happen?? It’s soooooo hot!!) and I am already squealing at the cuteness.

Here’s another sneak peek at the first one I made (spoiler alert I’ve made three already!) in this fun doughnut fabric from Wolf and Rabbit. As an aside, all of the fabrics (including the solids and the unicorn panel) are from Wolf and Rabbit which are super soft and have great recovery. I can’t wait to hear what you think about this mashup! Hop on over to the PR&P blog for lots more pics and the details on how to make one yourself.
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